Mother, Mother Ocean!
Though I surely do not embrace the Buffet lifestyle I must admit that today I felt a bit 'buffetesque', if you will. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with what I am referring too, if so do not feel embarassed, knowledge of buffet is not neccessarily a point of boasting for myself either (not to place blame upon anyone for my Buffet knowledge or anything, but it is completely and utterly my dear friend Doug Anderson's fault). But anyway, I must say looking into the beautiful Atlantic for the last three days, as My wife and I enjoy this long American celebratory weekend I couldn't help but to hum the Buffet song Mother Mother Ocean: (hmm...hmmm...hmm... that's me humming):
Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call,
Wanted to sail upon your waters
since I was three feet tall.
You've seen it all, you've seen it all.
Watch the men who rode you,
Switch from sails to steam.
And in your belly you hold the treasure
that few have ever seen, most of them dreams,
Most of them dreams.
Ok, Ok, I know that I am cheesy standing out there, in my less than picturesque-self (none-speedo wearing atleast) looking into God's glorious creation and humming a Buffet cartoon style song. But hey, I really enjoyed moment of humor and child-like reflection on the great sea. I guess this points, once again, to the fact that I certainly can't take myself too seriously.
And oh yea, you shouldn't take yourself so seriously either.
Enjoy the comedic gesture even if its not quite that:)