Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A moment with Graeme

"All that the Old Testament teaches about the activity of God, and about the roles of the covenant functionaries (prophets, priests, and kings), can only have relevance to us because it is fulfilled in Jesus to whom we are then united by faith."

Prayer and the Knowledge of God, p 159

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Pray like this

Here is just a taste of the excellent insight into and theology of prayer that Greame Goldsworthy offers in his book "Prayer and the Knowledge of God". I have been feasting at the table of Goldsworthy for about 3yrs now and I have been richly challenged and blessed. I have come to think that he more than any other theologian has changed and expanded my handling of the Scripture.

"The image of God in humankind is exemplified in the incarnate Word of God, Jesus. This Word and image of God is the faithful and true recipient of God's word and the true responder to that word in prayer. As those who are "in Christ" we also respond to the word in prayer. As we do this we know that the weakness and sinfully tainted nature of our prayer is justified by the perfect praying of Jesus as our perfect human representative. God graciously accounts us as acceptable in all respects as Jesus is.
We need to remind ourselves that God accepts the prayers of Christians, not because they are 'good and godly', but because Jesus himself is the true word of prayer on our behalf (p109-110)."

Friday, February 01, 2008

Trying to process and make sense

This is not an "attack ad". Please, I am not trying to attack or fight anything. I am however, trying to explain what I am beginning to, at least I think, understand. I am referring to the word "separate". I understand the word "separate" to refer to an action, that is, something or someone separating from something or someone else. I also am beginning to understand the word separate to refer to an "ideology". That is, when I say that "I am not a "separatist" the reply cannot simply be "everyone separates from someone" thus making me seem self-contradictory. While that is certainly true in an orthodox context that is not a proper response to the statement being made. That type of response is using the word separate in its "action" sense while trying to underscore its "ideological" reference.
When I say that I do practice "separation" that is not a cause to say "see I told you" or "good I am glad". The reason being that, again, there is a difference between practicing separation and being a "separatist". Being a "separatist" is committing to an "ideology" that supports the strict use of separating (typically along ecclesiological lines)from other conservatives, with many political, theological, and institutional irons in the fire. Whereas practicing "separation" can simply refer to the action of keeping careful watch over yourself and those who have been entrusted to your care.
Again, as often times is true basic vocabulary is the point of confusion. Perhaps, this is helping me process the denotations and connotations of the word thus arriving at a usable "meaning". I am not trying to sound more post-modern than I perhaps am by being born in a pomo culture. I hope this helps. Its late, I imagine it won't. I'll read it again in the morning.