Monday, February 12, 2007

Like Arrows in the hand of a Warrior - Ps 127.4

I have been given the "ok" from my wife to gladly announce that Seminary alone is no longer my only child! I am presently in the process of casting off the son of the slave women (biblical imagery- just for you Luther/Logan) and claiming the blessing of making a great nation from my own offspring.

This is a picture of the little "guy" (perhaps anyway) at 10 weeks. He/she is only 2 inches long! We are very excited that God has entrusted us with a child and we trust he will be honored in each step of the way.


Blogger Kelly Glupker said...

Congratulations! When is the due date?

6:20 AM  
Blogger smlogan said...

again, we echo our congrats...
and thanks for the imagery -
yet, i must confess that it's disturbing to know that you personalize your studies to such an extent. hope you're better as a father than you are as a student
(baylor, i kicked down that door - if you don't run through it, he'll be thoroughly disappointed).

9:03 AM  
Blogger James Gordon said...

Congrats AT...good work.

10:14 AM  
Blogger anna boese said...

why didn't anybody tell me?? :) is it safe to joke about that yet? or too soon?

1:56 PM  
Blogger LMLogan said...


3:50 PM  
Blogger T. Baylor said...


Many congratulations, though since this is YOUR child, it is not likely that God will be honored.

4:43 PM  
Blogger Garrett said...

Congrats from me and Amanda. I wanted joke you, but I'm still in pain from Logan and Baylor's comments. Lay off the Haterade guys!

6:12 PM  
Blogger smlogan said...

i'm all about the kid (and his likeness as an arrow) - but have some serious doubts regarding the 'warrior' status of the father.
bottom line is this:
anyone (other than abraham) who claims "the blessing of making a great nation from my own offspring" has taken his covenant theology a bit far, and needs to be humbled.

10:43 PM  
Blogger Tim Barker said...

Will all these allusions that I can only guess are 2nd Temple :) Let's add a sentiment of congrats from Tobit.

Tobit 5:18-19 "Do not add money to money, but consider it as rubbish as compared to our child. For the life that is given to us by the Lord is enough for us."

Not bad for the apocrypha.

7:30 AM  
Blogger adam said...

It is good to hear from you. I am sure that you and your husband are enjoying your time at Southern (he better be). Anyway, the due date is August 30.

Do not challenge my biblical-theological skillz. I am becoming a mighty warrior.

It is "ok" I guess. :)

Thanks for takin' it easy. I can only shoulder so much. :)

You knew I was going there. Beale, teach me thy ways.

3:51 PM  
Blogger The DJ said...

Congrats Adam, you now fit right in at our church.

8:30 PM  
Blogger Kelly Glupker said...

Ben loves SBTS! It has been a great move for us. I am so thankful he picked this seminary and that God brought us here.

1:10 PM  

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