Sunday, April 02, 2006

I was recently reading the latest issue of Christianity Today and there was an article that caught my attention. The article was entitled, "The Conservative Humanist" and was written by Glenn T. Stanton, who works at Focus on the Family. No, the article is not a new Manifesto of sorts, but rather it serves as a call (general not effectual J/K) to evangelical Christians for rediscovery of "what it means to be human" (p44). He states, "True humanism will demolish our gnostic tendencies to believe in a small God who is only interested in our eternal destiny and our moral behavior" (p45).
I find myself in a very precarious position here; (1) I am in agreement (atleast in some respects) with someone at Focus on the Family and, (2) I am wondering about the accusation of us (evangelical Christians) being "on the verge of Gnosticism" with our concerns being purely in reference to the eternal/moral (small God?).

I guess the question I am asking is, "what does it mean to be human?" and what is my role (socially, politically, economically etc.)as a "new creature" among those who are still suffering the effects of the old creation (i.e. depraved)?


Blogger T. Baylor said...

If he was arguing that God is involved in every activity of life -- sleep, sex, eating, playing, sports, studies, worship etc. then I am on board. I think we ought to meditate more on the glory and goodness of God as experienced through the senses.

God has given us "all good things to enjoy," which assumes that our joy in them, leads us to a joy in God because of them. Thus, eating, drinking, talking, fellowshipping becomes a sensual experience through which we can highten our appreciation of and love for a God.

8:46 PM  
Blogger T. Baylor said...

However, if you ask me, you need to get a little less enjoyment form 24 Thomas! You are close to the point of no return on that one . . . you neo!

8:47 PM  
Blogger Nate Mihelis said...

God has given us "all good things to enjoy,"

Does all meand all?

11:36 AM  
Blogger adam said...

Mihelis, what is up with you always responding with the comment "does all mean all"? I send you some sweet thoughts by my man Goldsworthy and you give me that! Now Baylor weights in and you give him the "does all mean all" stuff. Are you calling for out right balance?

I am seriously wondering what our responsibilities are socially. Is this an issue of faith without works (james 2)? That is, if I look at the poor and needy and do not pursue their cause am I being a hypocrite because I "pray" for them rather than pursue them?

Am I no different than a gnostic in that I really do not care about the 'here and now' as much as the 'there and then'?

4:13 PM  
Blogger smlogan said...

but does all mean every, baylor?
(i need a 4-pointers perspective).

8:05 AM  
Blogger Nate Mihelis said...

Baylor: If all always means all, then I'm scared about some of the things your planning to richly enjoy!

Thomas: Though this may not be helpful for the question you're asking, Wright has one of the best summaries on true humanity that I've seen in WSPRS -

•The Center of Renewed Humanity – Worship (Romans 1:18-21 contrasted with 4:19-21)

•The Goal of Renewed Humanity – Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15)

•The Transformation of Renewed Humanity – Holiness (1 Peter 2:11)

•The Coherence of Renewed Humanity – Love (1 Corinthians 13)

•The Zeal of Renewed Humanity – Mission (Matthew 28:18-20)

8:53 AM  
Blogger adam said...

Mihelis, where exactly did you get your hands on that article?

I am so fascinated in the new creation motif of the NT (especially Ephesians).

As I read your statements made by Wright I was wondering if he sees Christ as the fulfillment of all those elements ("true humanity")? Thus, all who share in him share in each of those elements by virtue of being a new creation.(?)

7:13 PM  
Blogger T. Baylor said...


I am 5 hard core -- 5 guys burgers and fries!

3:09 PM  
Blogger Nate Mihelis said...

WSPRS stands for What Saint Paul Really Said. It's in the Eerdmans sale and if you don't already own it, you should.


6:17 PM  
Blogger smlogan said...

well, baylor...
if you're one thing - you're consistent; consistently "earthly-minded, that is.

burgers and fries...
that may be the only kind of "5" you'll ever be.

...whose end is destruction, whose god is his belly, and whose glory is his shame.

(Eph 3, if you didn't recognize it)

9:49 AM  

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